thoughts silly :retrograde
"silly thoughts can be as silly as they want!" - sg
(on toast) just write just write just write jsut wrijsk jsus
'why isn't my body used to this already?!'
says she who must not be named
though i won't say who
because one time i recorded my mom when she was in the other room
yelling at me while i ignored her and played a sad song on piano
i posted it on soundcloud
bad! no no no!
dad yelled at me too.
just write just write just writ—
'maybe i like my hat maybe i like it ever think of that? hm? hm? hm? and you're not gonna tell me otherwise', an anonymous mom says
anonymous mom
the system of (remote) control (beep boop)
dance! now for the strange loop

dance until the loop confessed
backwards snackwards tea and timewards
breathe a licked and tack'd on (that's doctor to you) stalwart
dr diligence,
i have a message for your mother
it says 'hello sir, yes yes
grammar still ran like clockwork
still ran grammar, like clockwork
still grammar ran clickwork
still, grammar runs clickward
click click click click
tick tick tick
a click? just a tick
a crypt-logical clock
a superstochasticaliminal dream
shared by one big team
"chhhhhh over, dr diligence are you there?" dr diligence said
'chh chhhhhh, yes dr diligence, i am here!' said dr diligence
"ch ch chhhh ch ch, it's fun to say chhh isn't it dr diligence?" dr diligence said
'ch chhhhh, no dr diligence, fun is not allowed it"s outlawed by the rules' said dr diligence
"chhhhhhh, over, the sun went up" dr diligence said
'chhh, use fewer words your breaking up, chhh' said dr diligence
"chhhhhhhhh" dr diligence said
'chh chh, yes thank you' said dr diligence
" " dr diligence said
' ' said dr diligence
" " dr diligence said
' ' said dr diligence
"""""""""""""" dr diligence said
''''''' said dr diligence
""""""" dr diligence said
'''''''''''''' said dr diligence
"" dr diligence said
' said dr diligence
" dr diligence said
'' said dr diligence
"chhh over this is hecking confusing why don't you just use your words dr diligence" dr diligence said
* said doctor diligence
"much better...i mean, chhhhh much better, ok let"s reset" dr diligence said
** said doctor diligence
,, dr diligence said
* said dr diligence
, dr diligence said
a waltz!
"no no a 1, 2 step"
spin me dr diligence spin me!
"ciara, ciara!"